
For HS Seniors - What do we do about plans to select and attend college in the fall?

I believe any plan for anything after July 1 must allow for the fact that some restrictions in some areas of the USA may exist in some form for an unknown time. What are your major concerns? Starting with the two issues below, please share your ideas for changes you are contemplating.

I believe any plan for anything after July 1 must allow for the fact that some restrictions in some areas of the USA may exist in some form for an unknown time. What are your major concerns? Starting with the two issues below, please share your ideas for changes you are contemplating.

Paying for College

Families -

Everyone is facing financial disruption of both income and savings. Each family must decide for themselves if they have the money at all, if there is a shortfall or if they can continue with their original plan. Consider a gap year. Some families may still be able to afford college; certainly many will be facing other options. What might those options include?

Colleges –

Everyone is facing financial disruption of both income and savings. Each family will initially decide if they have the money at all, if there is a shortfall or if they can continue with their original plan. Many students will not be returning due to financial hardship.

For families who remain able to pay tuition, what incentives can the college provide to have the family send their child to one college over another?

Education model - online classes are here to stay

Families –

We were not ready to take the leap to online learning last fall. However, when faced with the need to complete the semester, online learning became the norm for Kindergarten to post-grad work. What should we expect to pay for semesters that will certainly include online lessons? If we are watching a recorded lecture, should there be an adjustment to tuition? What about transferring credits from approved online classes taken elsewhere?

Colleges –

Wow – look how quickly everyone adopted online learning. How do we change the education experience to allow for BOTH in-person and online options for the same class, same professor? Do we price them differently?