The Getting Money For Collegeā„¢ video program

Negotiated grants are NOT the appropriate method of negotiating tuition for the fall Semester 2020

The Getting Money For College™ video program is o longer being offered to the HS Class of 2020. All college campuses were closed to students during March 2020. It is unclear whether or not the campuses will be allowed to accept students in August.

The video program focuses on in-person on campus appeals (negotiations) with Financial Aid; this is the method we have taught successfully for over 15 years. If you would like a look into the video program, please click on this link.

However, since we do not think that negotiated grants are the appropriate method of negotiating tuition for the fall Semester 2020, we have focused this blog on the challenges to brick and mortar college tuition in the midst of the Coronavirus.

Click here for a free consultation.